Sunday, November 17, 2013

Winter Collection 2013

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share my newest collection that will be sold on etsy towards the end of this month. My polishes are inspired by winter phenomenons.

First up we have "Evergreen" a mint green polish with turquoise holo hex in various sizes. Evergreen in botany is a plant that leaves in all four seasons, always green. It could be worn alone with 2-3 coats or over a similar green for more depth.
Next is a beautiful phenomenon called "Aurora" which in nature is a light display in the sky, particularly in high altitude. Being from Sweden we would normally be able to catch these up north where my relatives lived (Noland) and the sight is just breathtaking. These beauties are very hard to catch too and it only lasts for a bit then they disappear in a black hole. My polish is inspired by the pink Aurora, therefore you will see a variety of rose and lilac glitters in different shapes and sizes.
Lastly we have "Glisten" I named this polish after the wonders of snow and ice, how light reflects it and the beauty of something so simple. This polish has micro holo glitters, micro silver squares, silver shreds and teal holo hex.
So this is it... Set to release during the end of November. In the meantime visit my shop;
Or visit my instagram @ndlacquers for a chance to win these polishes(Rules on instagram)